
Flower Base Mini Album:
Tip: save the image (right click for the option to save) to be able to print / guarda la imagen para poder printiar (click derecho en la imagen para la opción ).

Johanna Rivero YouTube Tutorial:

Rainbow Mini Album how I did my base

For this mini I took a rainbow shape and cut the edge of one side like this.
then for the cover I print and cut the color strips and cover each strip with yarn (different color each strip) I used soft colors yarn but you can used any colors of you like.
then for the base I cut two rainbow base in chipboard and one square for the spine like this

Now this's in chipboard not color print , you can make you spine as wide as you wish but the high has to match the high of the rainbow as the picture show,
PAGES: cut the pages 1/4 shorter than the base and the design paper for the pages a 1/8 shorter if you want an outline edge from the base of you page or you can do it the same side as you page.
If you have any question let me know and I will gladly help you out .

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